Saturday, September 27, 2008

Getting a JOB just got EASIER!

My sincere greetings to you. Yeah! That’s right! Getting a job just got easier and so much fun. You ask how? You see, I work for Generis Solutions (www.generis- solutions. com) a training recruiting and consulting company under the leadership of Deolu Akinyemi (www.deoluakinyemi. com) a recruiter with years of experience. Generis solutions happens to be managing recruitpath (www.recruitpath. com) an online based system that has served as a path to recruitment for many years. Several people have got their jobs through recruitpath as recruitpath posts available job online on a daily basis. Recruitpath accepts CVs and helps with remodeling and recruitpath does job hunt on behalf of its clients.

ShapeCD Africa (www.shapecdafrica. com) is a franchise of shapeCD global, a German company that customizes CDs into shapes that project different unique brands. This is the baby project of Generis Solutions. Picture a CD that takes the shape of your company logo or one of your company products or even your face and still plays/runs perfectly. The CD is unique and it kills all forms of piracy. At ShapeCD Africa, it doesn’t have to be round.

Recruipath in conjunction with Shapecd Africa has come with a new initiative to get your CVs in the pockets of over 1000 employers. How? Recruitpath as from today opens up its CVbank in an interesting way (www.recruitpath. com/cvbank). Recruitpath in conjuction with shapeCD Africa will be making a CD sometimes early January 2009 that will be specially shaped and given to potential employers for free. For your CV to be a part of the CVbank you need to go online to sign up and subscribe. Hurry and Subscribe now. Subscription fee is only N1500.

CVbank offers you…

· Your CV in the pocket of over 1000 employees both home and abroad

· Job alert via email and sms

· Training opportunities

· An opportunity to start preparing to get a job while in school

· You can earn reward for referring others

Now this is the interesting part. There are bonuses for referring your friends to the site. The website offer you an opportunity to earn some money by encouraging your friends to sign up. First you need to sign up through a referrer/sponsor and if you are reading this today, that would be me (sponsor name: byola). As you sign up you will give a username as well plus you will also give details about yourself and attach your CV. Please have your CV ready as a word document or a PDF because you will not be able to complete signup without it. Then note your username becomes the avenue with which you will be sponsoring others. Your sponsors will need to signup using your username as their own sponsorname. To sign up is easy to pay for sign up you will need a pin number which you can buy through me (Call Biola: 08060654207). That serves as you subscription fee (N1500). As soon as registration is done and payment is confirmed with the pin, you are in and you may start referring others.

The rewards

Let us assume you are Mr A. who brings in Mr B who brings in Mr C who brings in Mr D who brings in Mr E who brings in Mr F. Your earning will be as follows

On Mr B you earn N100

On Mr C you earn N150 while Mr B. earns N100

On Mr D you earn N100 While Mr B earns N150 and Mr C earns N100

On Mr E you earn N100 While Mr B earns N100, Mr C earns N150 and Mr D earns N100

On Mr F you earn N50 While Mr B earns N100, Mr C earns N100, Mr D earns N150 and Mr E earns N100

If Mr F gets Mr G you will earn nothing on Mr G. Your reward only extends to your fifth generation. Your second generation earns you the most. This is to encourage you to help others and get rewarded more for doing so. By referring people to this programme in the first place you are doing a big favor considering the number of graduates out there who desperately need a job.

Payment options

All payments will be made through First Inland Bank’s flashmecash on the 15th and 30th of every month for only the accounts with N1000 and over and a N100 commission will be deducted. However if you are a New Nigeria Club member payments can be made directly to your NNC Atm card.

Final Note

You see, a life worth living is that lived for others. Helping a person to get a job is good enough, showing a person how to make some money is equally good. Combining the two and helping a person to achieve both is superb. Now even you can earn some reward for helping others. Sign Up Now! To sign up visit www.recruitpath. com/cvbank and then start spreading the word. It’s easy.

This is not a scam in any way. It is being run by real people with a real drive to help you succeed.

For more details please don’t hesitate to call me or send me a mail. For more details about me and what I do feel very free to visit my blog and leave a comment. It will be good to hear from you.



Report courtesy

Akinyemi Abiola



www.akinyemiabiola. wordpress. com

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